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Water Droplets
Jumping in Puddles
Cleaning a Rain Gutter
Rain on Roof
Bench on Autumn Leaves
Cottage House
Modern Bathrom
Park in the Fall
Olive Grove
Making Coffee
yellow flower
Flower Garden
Yellow Narcissus

Frequently Asked Questions


Question: Why do I get an error message when I try to submit my application?

Answer: Ensure the date is current, not a future date.


Questions: How long does the application process take?

Answer: Applications, on average, take 3 - 5 business days to process. All required documents should be submitted when the application is submitted. The application process with take longer if the required documents are not submitted in a timely manner.


Question:  I submitted my application, but how do I send my documents?

Answer:  Documents can be submitted by email to  You can also bring your documents in person to our office or send them by USPS mail. However, mailing in your documents will slow down your application process.


Question:  When is my rent due?

Answer:  Rent is payable in advance on the 1st day of each calendar month, and is delinquent on the next day. 


Question:  When is my rent considered late?

Answer:  Unless otherwise stated in tenant’s specific lease, if any installment of rent due from tenant is not received by landlord within 5 calendar days after the date due, or if a rent payment is returned unpaid, rent is considered late and constitutes a late charge.

Commercial CAM Charges

Question: Why am I charged a Common Area Maintenance fee?

Answer: It’s a shared expense among all tenants of the property for the maintenance at your property.


Question:  Can I smoke in my unit or in the front or backyard?

Answer:  No smoking of any substance is allowed in or on the Premises or common areas.  Smoking is ONLY allowed on public sidewalks or streets as permitted by civil law.

Lease Violation

Question: What can I do to fix my lease violation?

Answer: You need to make the necessary corrections and submit it in writing with pictures to by the date specified on the lease violation letter.


Question: What if there is no way of taking a picture of the corrected lease violation?

Answer: If it is a noise or smoking violation, stop the action immediately.  You do not need to email in proof of ceasing.


Question:  Will I be charged for damages/breakage to my unit?

Answer:  Tenant shall immediately notify Landlord, in writing, of any problems, malfunction or damage with any item including, plumbing issues, carbon monoxide detectors, and smoke alarms on the property.  Tenant shall be charged for all damage to premises as a result of failure to report a problem in a timely manner. Tenant shall be charged for all repairs or replacements caused by Tenant, pets, and/or guests, excluding ordinary wear and tear.


Question:  Will I be charged for plumbing issues?

Answer:  Tenant shall be charged for repair of drain blockages or stoppages, unless caused by defective plumbing parts or tree roots invading sewer lines.


Question:  I don’t like the color of the walls in my unit.  Can I paint my walls?

Answer:  Tenant shall not make any repair, alterations or improvements in or about the premises including:  paint, wallpapering, adding or changing locks, installing antenna or satellite dish(es), placing signs, displays or exhibits, or using screws, fastening devices, large nails or adhesive materials without landlord’s prior written consent.

Semi-Annual Inspections

Question: Why are you performing a semi-annual inspection?

Answer: To provide the owner a summary of the condition of the premises.


Question: Does the semi-annual inspection dictate whether I fail or pass?

Answer: No, the inspection is not a pass or fail, but to identify safety concerns and habitational issues.


Question: Will I get charged for the items you are noting down during the semi-annual inspection?

Answer: No, unless damage is caused by tenant.


Question: Why do you come out to inspect my property twice a year?

Answer: To report the condition of the unit to the owner and note safety concerns, habitational issues, and future impending damages.


Question: Will the issues noted down during the semi-annual inspection be resolved?

Answer: This varies case by case.  Safety and habitational issues are addressed.  All other items are at the digression of the owner.

Lease Breach

Question:  What happens if I move out before my lease agreement termination date?

Answer:  Early termination is considered a breach of contract.  In the event of termination by tenant prior to completion of the original term of the rental agreement, tenant shall be responsible for lost rent, rental commissions, advertising expenses, utilities, and repair costs necessary to ready premises for re-rental. 


Question: How do I submit a notice to vacate?

Answer: A notice to vacate form must be submitted in writing to our office either by personal delivery to our office or via email to  The date the notice is received is when we physically receive it in our office.  A postdated notice to vacate will not honored. This form is located on our website home page.


Question: How much of a notice do I need to submit before moving out?

Answer:  We require a minimum of 30 days as notice.

Security Deposit

Question:  What can be deducted from my security deposit?

Answer:  All or any portion of the security deposit can be used for:

unpaid rent, late charges, non-sufficient fund fees, 3-day notice fees, violation fees, any other fees accrued by the tenant, repair of damages caused by tenant or by a guest of tenant, cleaning of premises, the cost of restoring or replacing furniture, furnishings, or other items of owner’s personal property


Question: When can I expect to get my Security Deposit Refund?

Answer: Under California law, 21 calendar days or less after you move, your landlord must either:

Send you a full refund of your security deposit, or mail or personally deliver to you an itemized statement that lists the amounts of any deductions from your security deposit and the reasons for the deductions, together with a refund of any amounts not deducted


Question:  Can I use my security deposit for my last month’s rent?

Answer:  No, according to California Association of Realtors (CAR) Residential Lease or Month-to-Month Rental Agreement, security deposit shall not be use by tenant in lieu of payment of last month’s rent.

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